The Croquet Association 4 Player Set
The Croquet Association Set is available in either 4 or 6 player versions. Made for the connoisseur who appreciates fine equipment and is serious about the game.
The "Croquet Association Set" has been developed in collaboration with, and is endorsed by, the Croquet Association in London. It contains Original mallets made to the exact specifications of World Champion player Joe Hogan. Unless otherwise requested all mallets are supplied with an overall weight of 3.00lbs and measuring 36 inches. The mallets may have your choice of suede grip colors fitted. Unless otherwise requested, navy blue grips are fitted. Up to 10 letters or Initials in gold may be stamped on the mallet heads at no extra charge.
Every set carries a color booklet with the official Croquet Association rules and also offers tips and tactics. All components are guaranteed against breakage in the course of reasonable use and care. Packaged in a solid pine chest with rope handles.
- 4 x 36" Original mallets with an overall weight of 3.00 lbs fitted with navy blue split leather grips unless other colors are requested.
- 6 x 1/2" powder coated white iron hoops/wickets, 3 3/4" between the uprights. Championship hoops also available as an optional extra.
- 4 Pro-16 double milled composite balls. Weight 1/lb, diameter 3 5/8".
- center peg with removable pin.
- hoop mallet.
- 4 corner pegs.
- 4 powder coated metal clips.
- color book of rules and tactics.
- solid pine storage box with rope handles.
Optional extras that can be added to your cart:
- Standard hoops can be exchanged for the Championship hoops for an additional NZ$ 210.00
- Set of 4 all weather colored flags on metal poles $50.00